Hexagon Update: Oh no

So I am now deep in the refactor well, and I’m pretty sure I can eventually get myself out, but right now everything is broken until I get to the bottom of the well, and start digging my way up. What triggered this was supporting roads. In the picture I posted on the last update there was a lovely road going through the gap in the forest. But there wasn’t a gap there really....

October 21, 2022

Hexagon Update: Roads .. again

Well, it wouldn’t be my code development if any design pattern lasted longer than four hours! In fact, in the previous post it omits the details this was actually the second pass, where we stored masks in the tile data directly, rather than in a different set of dictionaries. But, before tackling changing everything again, I did get to a better place about how to draw roads on the map. Not the display part now, the actual “draw road from A to B” including all the steps needed to join them....

October 18, 2022

Hexagon Update: Roads

As I mentioned in some previous update I have been avoiding roads, although I have some theories on how to make these work. The first part of this however is just making roads appear in the game world. The generation of roads is a bit pointless if I can’t see them. Also, I expect I’ll need to do extensive debugging on road generation and so I’ll also need to see them....

October 17, 2022

Hexagon Game Update: The Past

I realised that since I started writing this silly wee game I actually haven’t written down any of the initial thoughts about how this was goign to work, and since I’ve only just resurrected writing a blog after I’d already started writing the game there’s no history here either. Right, let’s see about writing some of those thoughts down. Hexagon tiles I’m implementing a classical RPG and hexagon tiles are pretty common for maps in that context....

October 13, 2022

Hexagon Game: Update for 12 October 2022

Well there’s been a little bit more progress on world generation. I’ve been avoiding working on roads (I have a theory) and rivers (lol no ideas), and doing “city” generation. Placing the cities is easy enough. The world is divided into biomes, and we assign one city to each biome, checking to make sure when we place it there are no other cities too close. We also check against a reserved starting area....

October 12, 2022