What’s all this then?

From time to time I get this idea I can and should write video games. Which usually doesn’t end well, but hey, it’s something which passes the time.

This round I’ve decided to go with a classic procedural RPG using hexagon tiles and a top-down perspective camera. I tried using an othrographic camera and yet again I ran into issues with how it was culling shapes close and far from the camera.

Perspective works just fine with a narrow field of view, and everything is much easier to drive spatially with it. Orthographic camera just always ended in tears failing to understand how to move it well and keep stuff in view.

Anyway, this one seems to be actually holding my attention, so at some point I will release .. bwhahaha who am I kidding. This may never see light of day, but we shall see.

At the moment it’s only running on PC because Reasons. The main one is that Godot 4.0 beta has broken Android support for certain GPUs in Android phones. It tries to set up fancy Variable Rate Shading which my potato of a phone does not like.

I’ll post more screenshots when there’s more game to show!