Lots since the last update, lets dive into it.

Refactoring Outcome

Refactoring all the road generation to use tile variants instead of laying a separate prefab on top was a Huge Success and was definitely the right approach.

Baking the roads into the tile set took a while but it resulted in a much nicer implementation internally, as I took the chance to also drop object pooling.

An optimization I had done very early on was to push 3D tiles into a pool of pre-instantiated objects and pull them into the world as needed. This is fairly useful in most game engines, but actually in Godot it turns out it has no useful performance gain at all.

In Godot, the cost of .instantiate() is basically nothing and you get a much cleaner code path without involving your own object pool. You can just create objects and then .queue_free() them when done. The name of that function hints at what is going on under the hood, and something I hadn’t really noticed until I did the refactor.

So long as you’ve already loaded the resource, the cost of spawning many new ones at once is as low as all the work needed to maintain the object pool. Having an object pool adds huge complexity (mostly on the freeing side, you can’t just free the object, you need to “hand back” the object to the pool). Given all the extra complexity with no performance gain, it was a good thing to remove it entirely and write more simple code.


Having refactored all code around the map view and in turn the way we load tile type information, it was time to revisit world generation, but specifically about both how slow it ran and the lack of feedback.

Providing feedback to the user is really important. If you’re given a blank screen with no visible activity, the instinct is the game has crashed or is otherwise misbehaving, and to kill it. It’s important while doing heavy work to show work being done, and ideally some indication about the progress of that work.

Okay, no worries, Godot has progress bars and text I can display for such things. But despite sending updates to the progress bars and text, nothing rendered until it was all done.

The immediate approach I took was to slice off the world generation into a thread and then just wait around for that to complete. This sort of worked and then I changed things and it didn’t, and because I’m not the smartest person I couldn’t remember what was actually changed which made any difference.

Godot supports threads, and all the supporting elements needed to make threads word (like mutexes and semaphores). Alas, adding all these in various places didn’t make the code behave any better. In one part of the code, we’d test if the thread was running and it would always return false, while the output showed the thread clearly still running and spamming the log with messages.

It also didn’t help that it started to look like sometimes if you called functions they actually somehow caused all the visual rendering to stall even if that function should have been in a thread.. right?

Two days later, I now have a better understanding of both Godot’s main loop and most of the downsides of threads. Not a fun two days.

One thing I had forgotten is by and large games are single-threaded. They might offload certain low level functions to a thread, like audio playing or physics, but many games (and game engines) are single threaded because there are less complications about data access and synchronization than a multi-threaded game or engine.

In Godot’s case, rendering and _ready() in a script share a thread, so if you block in _ready() then rendering ain’t going to work. But, I had “solved” this with making sure world gen was on a thread.

Well, sort of. Yes, some of it was on a thread, but not all of it, and it was hard to identify what was actually executing where. A lot of print-as-debug was added with every line including the output of OS.get_thread_caller_id to show where this was really taking place.

What I found was it looks like singletons in Godot always execute on the main thread, and the way to avoid this is ensure any functions you call are on separate objects in your thread. Okay, refactor around that a bit (the calls into the world map singleton are fast, so we’ll ignore they run in the main thread, but it meant world gen had to be separated from the singleton).

Still, we had problems, threads were being reported to the main code as finished when the logs were full of signs they were running. Getting to the bottom of this I think came down to pure luck and writing a separate set of tests in a different Godot project.

The test case I wrote looked something like the following. Note in this example we have a script on a node called SimpleProgressBar which updates different elements, like upper and lower text messages as well as the bar itself.

var progress_bar : Node
var m : Mutex

func _ready():
    # we'll use a progress bar for visuals
    progress_bar = get_node("SimpleProgressBar")
    # we'll use this to protect our access
    m = Mutex.new()

    # start the long work thread
    var t = Thread.new()

    for i in range(0,100):
        # update the progress bar too!
        await get_tree().create_timer(1).timeout

    # wait for the thread to exist
    while t.is_alive():
        await get_tree().create_timer(1).timeout
    # clean up thread (normally blocks unless thread is dead)

func _long_work_thread():
    for i in range(0,100):
        # update the progress bar, ensuring no-one else is
        progress_bar.set_lower_text("Long process step %d" % i)
        # simulate a long process

Okay, so the test case worked, even though I was sure I was doing the same thing in my game code. The long work thread continues to update the progress bar and this visually updates, and the code in _ready() waits for the long work thread to complete. It turns out, I wasn’t doing this actually, and the detail is interesting.

The use of await in _ready() is because we don’t want to block, we know that we can’t call OS.delay_msec() because it would block and then rendering would stop. In the thread, we can just block (after all, that’s the point of the thread), so we call OS.delay_msec().

Going back over my game code, surely it doesn’t matter in a thread if we block or not, the thread is separate and we can do what we like. Oh, no, we definitely can’t.

Let’s use a non-blocking delay instead in the long work thread, change OS.delay_msec(5000) to await get_tree().create_timer(5).timeout which is the same 5 second delay. Suddenly now the main code in _ready doesn’t wait for the thread to finish, it just plows through having been told from the result of t.is_alive() that the thread is dead.

It appears that you cannot call await in a thread other than the main thread. For whatever reason, the thread is lost and forgotten and you can’t get back to it. It is not the case that creating a thread gives you the same properties as the main thread at all.

The reason this tripped me up is that I was also doing some fancy fades using tweens to the progress bar. The common way to write this (and comes up in all the searches BTW) is:

var tween = create_tween()
tween.tween_property(progress_bar, "modulate:a", 1.0, 1.0)
await t.finished

So naturally, in my thread for doing long work, it started with that exact fragment. And then the thread blew up.

In fact, in the main loop we can do that, but we must block if we want to do that in a thread, and it becomes:

var tween = create_tween()
tween.tween_property(progress_bar, "modulate:a", 1.0, 1.0)
while tween.is_running():

Annoyingly, this also still causes rendering issues, but mostly it seems to be because OS.delay_msec() might just busy-loop and so it starves something else of cycles, so you get stuttering and uneven tweens.

The alternative to a thread for long work is our friend await and littering your long work with lots of calls to await get_tree().process_frame which will gracefully leave to allow rendering to continue for a whole frame, and then come back. This is pretty much how a single-threaded game should be doing things, but it certainly feels rough to write.

Anyway, that’s two days I won’t get back.

I’m unsure if I’ll revert out of threads for things like world gen, or leave it there. Now it has no problems with unexplained “death” it works so I’m tempted not to touch that whole space for a while.

Performance was also problematic for generating the world (even in a nice thread). There were quite a few cases where I was using a Dictionary for performance and then throwing that all away by forcing GDscript to iterate over an Array, which is a lot slower.

For example, here’s a few of ways of testing if we have something:

var big_thing : Dictionary()

# ...

if big_thing.has("key"):
    # ...

if "key" in big_thing:
    # ...

if "key" in big_thing.keys()
    # ...

The first is obviously using the dictionary correctly. The second and third I thought were the same, because of the in operator. This is not the case: using in with a Dictionary is functionally the same as calling .has() on it, while using in with the result of .keys() of the Dictionary produces an Array and then uses the in operator on it which is really really slow.

I’ve been mixing all three types without much care, and it actually matters a lot. I still randomly pick between x.has(key) and key in x which isn’t so good, but for now at least they both don’t suck.

This alone was responsible for a large amount of lost time in world generation.

Saving and Loading

After the fun with threads, I got on with actually useful progress (ha ha) and implemented saving and loading the game state. This is mostly easy, and apart from not clearing out some state when loading, it just works.

Save games are packed binary files, because serialization to say JSON is kind of annoying. Lots of types you have to munge and can’t just call JSON.stringify() on a wodge of data. Instead you have to pick out and transform some things to strings before trying to throw them into JSON.

It’s not that stringify() can’t convert some types to strings, it does that just fine. It’s that the inverse function, parse() doesn’t understand how to reverse stringify() for all cases.

Take a Vector2, the string version is something like "(1.0, 2.0)", which is just fine, it’s what JSON.stringify() produces, it’s valid JSON so all good. However, parse() just sees that as a string and gives you back .. a string. Fair enough, it is a string, but it’s a string you – Mr JSON class – put there. You want to give me back what I put into you? “Hell no” says Mr JSON class.

Thankfully, compared to the threading stuff, that’s easy to deal with. Don’t use JSON for save games.

(Aside: Not that binary is free of any quirks either. The binary store/load functions have .store_string() which most definitely does not “store” a string like every other function with “store” in the name. There is no .get_string() to match it, while every other “store” function has a matching “get”. It wasn’t immediately obvious if you want to store/load a string you really need to use .store_pascal_string() which has a matching “get” and is a great throwback to a long forgotten language.)

Next up

Because I can’t leave well enough alone, I’m exploring a different tile set to the one currently being used. It has some nice features, like hexagons are more obviously visible, and a lot of interesting decorations for tiles.

While playing around with a different tile set, it’s also become clear I am not handling materials on tiles in a way that makes it a bit easier for me to tweak the tile colouring and surface. So we’ll also be fixing that for the tile sets as well.