As I mentioned in some previous update I have been avoiding roads, although I have some theories on how to make these work.

The first part of this however is just making roads appear in the game world. The generation of roads is a bit pointless if I can’t see them. Also, I expect I’ll need to do extensive debugging on road generation and so I’ll also need to see them.

The tileset I’m using1 has roads as separate models to be added to the base tiles. The models cover all possible exit positions and combinations, although they have been normalised so some combinations and positions require rotating the model.

Preview of’s Hexagon Tile Set

You can see the road tiles towards the bottom left corner of the image above (taken from’s website).

For all of the tiles I’m using, I load these into the game based on some metadata about the tile, using a simple JSON file containing a list of the tiles and their metadata. For example, on the main tile set I have a metadata index containing:

    "water": {
        "prefab_file": "Tiles/water.glb",
        "tags": [ "water" ]
    "grass": {
        "prefab_file": "Tiles/grass.glb",
        "tags": [ "grass" ]

(Aside: we actually read the metadata first and call load() on the prefab_file specified here, which gives us scenes to instance into the world. Everything is loaded into a Dictionary for easy access.)

The same approach is taken with road tiles, where we annotate what exits a given road piece has:

        "exits": [ "right", "left" ],
        "prefab_file": "Roads/path_straight.glb"
        "exits": [ "right" ],
        "prefab_file": "Roads/path_start.glb"

As mentioned above, each road piece needs to be rotated to produce all of the possible combinations. The path_straight.glb piece has two other rotations available, 60 degrees should give us exits of [ "up_right", "down_left" ], and 120 should give us [ "down_right", "up_left" ]. (Probably, I haven’t checked this is correct!)

In the first pass of this code, I just wrote out the combinations by hand, adding a "rotation" field to the metadata. But I quickly found this was cumbersome, more so when I got the exits for a given rotation wrong (usually 0 degrees, so everything from there was wrong!). Instead, we produce all of the other possible exit positions for a road piece by iterating over the six different possible rotations and rotating the exits at the same time.

At this point, it’s useful to talk about how I resolve a tile having a specific list of exits to a road piece. We need to ignore the order the exits were provided in, and we need a fast way to look it up.

The naive implementation would be to stick all the exit combinations into an array that points to the tile/rotation needed. Then we walk over every element in the array of combinations, and then on each combination (itself an array) we compare it to the array of exits we have.

This is slow, we’re walking all possible combinations, and then also doing a bunch of array walks and then string compares to compare the exit arrays. Now, maybe this is premature, but there are faster ways to do this.

Instead of storing the possible exits as an array of strings, we convert them to a bitfield. This has a few advantages:

  • It reduces the exits to a fixed order, regardless of how they appear in the metadata
  • Bitfields are trivial to compare, they end up just as an int
  • Using an int as a Dictionary key is fast and reliable
  • Rotating the exits is very easy in a bitfield

Now some of my younger readers will be wondering why on earth I would go deep into integer math to do this. Well, my programming roots include a great deal of C (that’s C, not C++, not C#) on microcontrollers, and that space is all about bitfields. And one thing you learn quickly in that space is when you have very few cycles, bitfields are very efficient at solving a bunch of problems.

During import of the road pieces, we convert the exits array for a piece into a bitfield. We do this by assigning a bit to each exit, and the order of the bits corospond to going around the possible rotations. In sort of psuedocode, we do this:

str_to_mask = { 
    "right": 0x1, "up_right": 0x2, "up_left": 0x4,
    "left": 0x8, "down_left": 0x10, "down_right": 0x20

function exits_to_mask(exit_array) -> int
    mask = 0
    for exit in exit_array:
        mask = mask | dirs_to_mask[exit]
    return mask

The magic numbers are just the hexadecimal value of each bit being set (and only that bit).

When stashing the road tile, we then use the mask for the key in the Dictionary, which will be a trivial lookup. (Aside: nearly $O(1)$ if you really want to know.)

I said above that rotation is easy as well. If we’ve got an array of strings, we can’t just move the array contents around, we have to map each exit to the exit rotated one step around. The map is not slow itself (we can just have another lookup table), but in addition to all the string comparisons in the lookup table we need to walk all the exit array members.

Instead, with the bitfield approach, we can rely on bit-shift operations to do the rotation, with a small bit of work to manage roll-over. Bit-shifting is often implemented in pure hardware, so it is reasonably efficient. Rotating the exit list each item is then just:

function rotate_exits(mask) -> int
    # shift all the exits along
    mask = mask << 1
    # pass the rollover bit to the bottom
    mask = mask | (mask & 0x40 >> 5)
    # only keep the bits we're interested in
    mask = mask & 0x3f
    # and return it
    return mask

(Aside: most calculator apps will have a programmer mode that includes bit-shift and logical operations, which will show why this works.)

Given this, it’s fast to generate all the other road exit combinations for a given road piece, and to look up what piece we need for any combination.

For storage of road information, we mark tiles as having a road, and store the bitfield of exits. Adding a new road exit is purely doing a bit-wise OR on that exit in the tile. We also need to adjust the neighbour tile to reflect the connection back, but this is also a bit-wise OR.

This reduces our display effort to something very easy, just pull the road bitfield, look up that value in the index of all road pieces that are index by bitfield, and spawn the object in the correct place and rotation.
